Planet 4 - Rotation Realm Tutorial

Rotation Variation

Rotation Realm: The storm-ridden planet of Rotation Realm requires rotational exercises to navigate through its tumultuous weather patterns. Strengthening your oblique muscles through these exercises will not only improve your core stability but also your ability to move swiftly and efficiently against the wind.

Fitness note: Rotational exercises are key for a strong core, benefiting in improved posture, reduced lower back pain, and better stability.


Light up the action bubble in order to gain points.
"Play time" / "Take a rest" : A relax stage for resting, no points will be counted.


Level 1 : Closed arm rotation 

Rotate your body with arm closing to gain sweat point.

"Play time" / "Take a rest" :
A relax stage for resting, no points will be counted.


Level 2 : Open arm rotation 

Rotate your body with arm opening to gain sweat point.



Level 3 : Closed arm & open arm switching rotation 

Rotate your body with arm closing & opening switch to gain sweat point.

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